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Translation as a means of power

While you've probably heard of the Rosetta stone (the trilingual inscription written in ancient Greek, Egyptian and Demotic), the lesser

The father of biblical translations

The German people owe a big deal of their language to a single man: the figure behind the Protestant Reformation,

The apparent importance of translation to our ancestors

The fact that translation has been valued and practiced for millennia shows of its importance in our communication.One of the


The Great Translation Movement continues to cause waves in the online political world, but it's important to make certain things

Marco Polo and Translation

Marco Polo was one of the most influential explorers and travelers of his time, and his exploits inthe eastern hemisphere

To translate is to betray

“Translator, traitor"- Italian proverb This quote originates from the italian phrase 'traduttore, traditore', which implies that, in order to translate

Humans vs. Machines

After so much talk of machine translation, we'd like to remind our readers why human translation will always prevail in

The most translated movie ever

If you know that the Bible is the most translated book of all time, then it should come to no